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What Attorneys Have to Say About Us
722 Redemption has been in the industry for over 30 years. We have worked with many attorneys nationwide. Here is what they had to say..

722 Redemption has helped many of my clients keep their car while reducing the debt obligation. 722 staff support has really been there for me when I have needed it. I would encourage anyone to give 722 Redemption a try!

Every bankruptcy attorney should be aware of 722 Redemption and the potential benefits to their clients. They have helped many of my clients save thousands of dollars.

722 has tremendously transformed not only my practice, but my clients lives! Many of them are in dire straights with regards to their cars that they desperately need to get to work. 722 Redemption has been able to (in some cases) reduce their payments in half, and lower the amount of years left on the loan! This is truly a god send for our clients, and makes us look good too!

...efficient, easy to work with and very cost effective, 722 Redemption Funding puts money back in our clients' pockets. Every bankruptcy case I file is screened to see if 722 Redemption Funding can save the client money.

We have been using 722 Redemption Funding since 2003. Before then, we were filing many cases under Chapter 13 just to strip down the debtor's car. Redemption Funding allows us to file cases under Chapter 7 where the client satisfaction is much higher.

As a bankruptcy attorney, you have to think about your client’s long term satisfaction. The longer they are happy with the result of their financial recovery, the longer they continue to refer you business. I think my favorite thing about 722 is that I refer them my clients for a review to determine if redemption is a good option and for about half of them, redemption provides no benefit. Its refreshing when a company that is in position to make money is completely honest and upfront with your client. However, for the other half of the clients that redemption is beneficial for, the clients are so pleased. I lot of people love their current vehicle and don’t want to see it go in the bankruptcy but you can predict future failure if the client proceeds with reaffirmation because the car is so far underwater, but when you can tell your clients, “Hey you can keep your car and the payment is going down $150.00 or more, they think you are magician. 722’s been great to work with and if you aren’t at least having them review your client’s vehicle situations, you are missing out on higher client satisfaction which leads to higher referral rates.